Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Essays by St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

Essays by St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein): Brethren: Peace be with you. I found these while surfing about and thought that you may benefit from them.
  • Feminine vocations - The woman who "suits" man as helpmate does not only participate in his work; she complements him, counteracting the dangers of his specifically masculine nature.
  • On the history and spirit of Carmel - To stand before the face of the living God, that is our vocation.
  • Love of the cross - Voluntary expiatory suffering is what truly and really unites one to the Lord intimately.
  • Woman’s formation - The primary and most essential Educator is not the human being but God Himself.
  • Woman’s soul - The world of the spirit is founded on sensuousness which is spiritual as much as physical: the intellect, knowing its activity to be rational, reveals a world; the will intervenes creatively and formatively in this world; the emotion receives this world inwardly and puts it to the test.
  • Source:

    Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection of Christ?

    Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection of Christ?:

    Brethren, peace and good to you in Jesus’ holy name. Exploring about the ‘Net I found the site dedicated to the James Gregory Public Lectures on Science and Religion, a series of 12 public lectures by eminent British and international speakers held at the University of St Andrews over a 4-year period between Dec 2007 and June 2011 on a wide range of contemporary issues in Science and Religion. According to the website, the basic aim was “to encourage constructive and open dialogue and an exchange of ideas on many intriguing points of contact between Science and Religion. With a rise of unhealthy fundamentalism, it was felt there was a need to increase understanding, so that we may be better informed about the nature of the scientific enterprise and of religious thought. Both Science and Religion have key insights about our human nature, our creativity and our possible future” quote.

    Anglican Bishop N.T. “Tom” Wright was one of the lecturers. He’s an outstanding theologian, New Testament scholar, and historian with a great talent for oral and written communications. His lecture, Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection? is available at the site in the following formats:

    These lectures are also available at the site:

    Great lectures by lots of smart people. Enjoy!